Doing the oddness, undoing the strangeness

Photography of a person with a pelican's beak standing in front of a glass house
Photography of a person with a pelican's beak crouching down in front of a glass house
Photography of a person with a pelican's beak pushing hands against tiles

Doing the odness, undoing the strangeness

Serie von 5 C-Prints, 2021/2023

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"Doing the oddness, undoing the strangeness" is dealing with the "Ruckeln, Schieben, Drücken und Schmiegen" of a body. A person or a critter who is moving the body against structures so as to act up within certain circumstances: an array of multiple dystopian demands that are imposed upon beings. By moving towards, within or against something an attempt to attain an ability to act within unwanted structures is made, to act keeping crucial problems in mind.
The series of photographs is trying to form a kind of "critical intimacy“ ("Critical intimacy“ see Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak in an interview with Steve Paulson, LARB) with these challenges: by analyzing and deconstructing them through bodily movement. At the same time the work describes a starting point for being decidedly active.
